

1. The Snippets Playground will normally run from midnight every other Saturday until 11am the next-but-one Saturday (UK time). So, it's a two week long challenge.

2. The 'picks' from the previous challenge, as well as the draw result, will be posted on the interim Saturday at midnight.

3. You can enter only ONE snippets project in a single fortnight. However, you can share multiple projects in your post so long as you designate only one project as your snippets entry.

4. Please enter new work only - no back linked entries are allowed.

5. You can combine your entries with nine other challenges, making 10 in total.

6. All you have to do is make something using one, or more, snippet(s) and upload direct to Mr Linky, using the actual URL of your snippets post - and please add a link to the Playground challenge in your own blog post to be in the draw. You can enter ANYTHING, not just a card, using snippets of leftover paper, card, material, wool, lace, ribbon - whatever you think fit. You MUST say in your blog post what snippet(s) you used.

7. Only entries using the Blogger platform (i.e. those run by Google with a .blogspot address) will be commented on and be eligible for Top Picks and prizes. All other social media platform entries will be removed.

8. If you want to play for the prize on offer, please make sure you say 'YES PLEASE' (or similar) in a comment on the Snippets blog post. Any prizes unclaimed by 11am on the claim-by date will be forfeit and a new winner drawn.

9. By joining in with the Snippets Playground, and linking your entry, you agree that the fortnightly 'picks' round up may include an image/copy of your entry as well as a link to your blog post. At no time will your entry be used other than the way just outlined, unless you've been specifically asked.

10. We reserve the right to delete any entries not complying with the above rules, without recourse to the entrant.