
Sunday 12 May 2024

Challenge #480

Welcome to a new challenge in the Snippets Playground. All the details are over on Pixie's Crafty Workshop HERE - as well as Dudley's latest 'Pupdate'

These are the items making up the prize, all from yours truly. The items included are a NBUS Altenew set of stamps and a matching set of dies, both called 'Stellar'. The big square stamp is a background stamp of pinprick stars. There is also a great set of sentiment stamps by Funky Fossil called 'Making Memories'. I used my own set for the first time on my snippets card for today. 

As always, the Snippets Challenge will run for two weeks and the Playground gates will close at 11am UK time on Saturday 25th May. The gates will open again at midnight UK time on the same day. Mr Linky is below this post.

Please state what snippets you used on your entry, or add a photo of them, otherwise it won't count in the prize draw. 

Remember that we do reserve the right to delete non-compliant entries. It's very important to us to keep the Playground as a happy place to come and play - as well as making sure everyone plays fairly.

Winners outside the UK please remember that you may be charged fees and import duty on your prize - although Sarn and I always send them out clearly marked as "gifts".

If any of you are having trouble commenting, please see HERE for a possible solution.

Love and hugs from Di and Dudley,


  1. Love your pretty flower card Di.
    Great prize - good luck playmates.

    Early comment - was trying to see Aurora again!!! Only a small glow in the sky tonight which could just be light pollution - nothing like last night’s pale green light. Xxx

  2. Wow, you know I love your card, but this prize is awesome too, would love to be in the draw, so I’ll be back with my homework! Good luck everyone! Xxx

  3. Lovely prizes to the lucky one, so Yes Please for the chance to win!

  4. Beautiful card Di love the framed flower and the added bee so cute just playing for fun x

  5. Adorable sample, Di! And I can see you used one of the wonderful Funky Fossil sentiment that are part of the Galactic prize :D
    I will make my homework and yes please in advance for the prizes draw.
    See you later on your and Sarn's blog, it's time to Mother's Day dinner now :)

  6. Haven't participated in a long while, such fab prizes, love FF stamps have loads but not this sentiment set would love to have the chance to win! I'd forgotten you have a Westie, so do I x

  7. That's a gorgeous card you created with the embossed framed flower Di! It's elegant and CAS and done beautifully. Please toss my name into the ring for the prize this week, thanks!

  8. Beautiful card and prize. Love to be in the draw.

  9. Such a pretty card! I really like the frame; the texture is fabulous! I'm playing just for fun this time, thanks!

  10. Handing in my homework - playing for fun

  11. I love your pretty coneflower and bee Di and the frame looks perfect around it, and if I get a card in I will be playing just for fun. x

  12. Love the card. And also a great prize. So YES please.

  13. Great card, Di. I'll be a Yes Please for my name to go in the hat for a fabulous prize. xx

  14. Lovely card, Di. I like the wood-grain on the frame. Yes please on this prize.

  15. Hi Ladies - apologies once again for being absent from the playground .. .. .. I hadn't taken into account that I wouldn't be able to just hop on the regular bus from my new address! But I have worked out a good shortcut now, (provided I run really fast across a field full of goats!!) LOL!!!
    Looking forward now to really reducing my snippet box contents as that at least is something that is unpacked and accessible.
    Please can I go into the draw for the lovely prize .. .. love all those scrummy hearts on those great sentiments!
    Love Jules xx

    1. Visions of you sprinting through a herd of goats - sooo funny Jules. Hugs, Di xx

  16. I love the framing of your flower, and the added dew drops for that finishing touch!

    Absolutely yes please on the prize

  17. Fab card Di - love the texture on that frame!
    I'm playing just for fun this time.
    Helen x

  18. A lovely idea to frame the flower in that lovely blue. As you know bees are right up my street. Just playing for fun this time x

  19. Got my homework done! I'd like to be in for the prize!
    Love your card! Love Altenew, and I'm not sure I ever heard of Funky Fossil!

  20. Lovely card, the textured border lifts it so much too. Fab prize but I am just playing for fun

    Happy Friday


  21. Yes please to the prize! Lovely card. Off to your blog to read all about it and the "pupdate".

  22. Yes please count me in for the prize. Yep, that's me waving from the seesaws, whoops a daisy!

    1. Me is CarolG, sorry forgot to say, I was so busy waving.

    2. Waving right back at you Carol! Saw you doing your Cowboy Rodea riding on the seesaw - one handed. Showing off your agility! xxx

    3. Dudley just ran for the First Aid box - and cuddles from him come free!! xx

  23. Gorgeous card Di, I’ve submitted my homework and would love to say yes please to this fortnight’s celestial prize!
    Pauline xx

  24. wow, great card, I love the frame.
    Yes please to the prize.
    crafty hugs xx

  25. I'm just playing along for fun this time. L x

  26. Lovely card, Di! That woodgrain frame is so pretty!
    I love all things Altenew, so it’s yes, please for a chance at the prize😊

  27. Hi Miss Di - fabulous card. I love the sparkly frame and bee's wings! Now I am going to have to search for those MB fairy drops that you used - love those!
    Please can I be entered for the super duper prize this week - thank you.
    Love Eve xx

  28. Di, your card is wonderful. I love the addition of the sparkly dew drops. (I'll also say "Yes Please" to add my name into the challenge draw. I would love to play with all three of the items in the prize packet!)


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