
Sunday 26 May 2024

Challenge #481

Hello and welcome to another fun Snippets Playground challenge.

Here's my homework, the details of which can be found on my personal blog HERE:

The items making up the prize for this challenge are 2 sets of bird stamps; a fab pair of bold birthday sentiments; plus a lovely 5¾" x 5¾ "gatefold embossing folder - contributed by Di, Lesley G & Jackie T. My thanks to you all for contributing to this lovely prize.

So come and play! All you have to do is follow our RULES, then bring your homework to the Snippets Playground and enter using Mr Linky (below). Remember to say what snippets you used (or include a photo of them) and leave a comment advising whether you're just playing for fun or wish to be included in the draw for the prize.

The Playground gates will clang shut on this challenge at 11am (UK time) on Saturday, 8th June 2024. They'll reopen at midnight (UK time) the same day for the start of the next challenge. Winners outside the UK: Please remember that you may be charged fees and import duty on your prize - although Di and I always send them out clearly marked as "gifts". 

If any of you are having trouble commenting, please see HERE for a possible solution.

Hugs from Sarn xxx


  1. wow, this is such an amazing card, very special. I totally love it.
    yes for the great prize, please.
    crafty hugs xx

  2. You did brilliant homework, love the fresh look and the beautiful shape. Yes please for the awesome prize.

  3. Your snippet card Sarn is stunning l love the dies you use and the background is gorgeous too x

  4. What a gorgeous folding card this is! I'll be checking your blog for details! Playing just for fun this week but good luck everyone!

  5. Playing just for fun this time - love your three-fold card

  6. Beautiful card Sarn - love all those die cut flowers!
    I'm playing just for fun this time.
    Helen x

  7. Hi ladies, wow I love your fabulous card Sarn. I am intrigued to see how you made that fold so I will pop over to your blog to have a closer look. Maybe you're up for a game of 'it'?!
    yes please to be put in the pot for the prize this week - thank you! xx

  8. Happy to have made a snippets card AND remembered to link it up this time!! What a beautiful card you have made to inspire us all - off to find out the details on your blog :)
    Thank you for always offering amazing prizes in the Playground. I am just playing for fun this time. Vicky xxx

  9. Just playing for fun, good luck everyone! Xxx

  10. What a beautiful card! I Love the color, the shape and the collage background! I'm playing just for fun and looking for a turn on the swings, thanks!

  11. I linked my card yesterday but forgot to comment! Yes please to the lovely prize.

  12. Oh my, your tri-fold card is gorgeous! I will check out your blog to see how you made it. Thank you for the new challenge. I am back to my blog this month and wanted to play over here before the end of May as I probably won't be blogging next month (but who knows?). I love the prize and would like to say YES, please. Thank you very much to the very generous Di, Lesley G and Jackie T for the lovely prize. Best wishes to all!

  13. A very elegant card and and bumper prize for someone to win. I'm just playing for fun. Thank you both for running the challenge xxx

  14. Just playing for fun this time x

  15. I love your tri-fold card, Sarn! My favorite cards to make are fun fold cards, and this one is lovely! Yes, please to the wonderful prize! Thanks for the generous prizes each time!

  16. Sorry late entry just playing for fun good luck all x

  17. Brilliant triptych, just added my entry but, I'm just playing for tun this time around


  18. Love, love, love your fancy fold card, very inspiring, yes for the prize draw, though I don't need a darned thing LOL!!

  19. Your homework is fabulous! I'd like to be in for the prize! See you on the swingset!

  20. Would love to be considered for the prize :) see you on the swings :)

  21. Love your triptych Sarn. Beautifully summery with the blue and white. Yes please to be in the draw for the prize. Hugz

  22. Beautiful sample card... and yes, please to the prize draw. I like all three of the items and would put them to use! Thanks!

  23. Great card, Sarn. Fabulous design and I love the colours. I’m a a Yes Please for the super prize this fortnight. xx

  24. Interesting multi-fold card and love they colour combo. Yes Please for the prize draw.

  25. Enjoyed visiting after a long break,lovely cards by everyone and a big thank you for the chance to win a super prize


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